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Career Opportunities

All your information are secured and will not be shared

Name (First - Middle - Last)*


Physical Address (City/State/Zip)*

Home Phone*

Email Address

Physical Address (City - State - Zip)

How did you hear about our company*

Current Employer*

Years of work Experience

Position Applying For*

Employer Name*

Time at Present Employer*

Employment Seeking Type

Position Desired*

Desired Compensation (Hr/Annual)*

When are you available to start work?

Name of School/Location/# of Years Completed/Major & Degree

College/Location/# of Years Completed/Major & Degree*

Bus or Trade School/Location/# of Years Completed/Major & Degree

Professional School/Location/# of Years Completed/Major & Degree

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdeanor? If yes, please explain

Do you have a Valid Driver's License?

List any Moving Violations and/or accidents from the last 3 years

Name of Current Employer/Address/Phone/Name of Last Supervisor/Last Job Title/ May we Contact this employer?

Name of Previous Current Employer/Address/Phone/Name of Last Supervisor/Last Job Title /May we Contact this employer?

List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at the previous company


5343 S. Hwy 77

Kingsville, Texas 78363

Office (361) 221-9828

Fax (361) 221-9828

Mobile (361) 720-1361


Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, PO Box 12157 Austin, Texas 78711, 800-803-9202, 512-463-

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